Plastic Free Resources

plastic free
  • Disposable Plastic Facts
  • Single-use Plastic Facts
  • Ocean Plastic Facts
  • Microplastics and Drinking Water Facts
  • Plastic Calculator:  Over the spring and summer, learn tips how to substitute for most disposable plastics, use’s handy plastic calculator to estimate how much plastic your household consumes monthly, annually – and how much you can save if you go plastic-free in October! Learn how to reduce your plastics use, and when you do recycle it, how to do so correctly. 
  • Simple Sustainability Swaps:  The North Yarmouth Recycling Committee is sponsoring a Plastic-Free Challenge this October, where community members are encouraged to minimize their use of plastic as much as possible throughout the month. Stay tuned for more Simple Sustainability Swaps in the weeks ahead!
  1. Single-use Plastic Bottles
  2. Single-use Plastic Bags
Simple Swaps to get you Started
simple sustainability swaps platic cupssimple sustainability swaps straws
simple sustainabioity swaps plastick bottlessimple sustainability swaps plastic bags