Hayes Forest

hayes forest

At Town Meeting in 1974, townspeople voted to accept a generous gift from the heirs of Eleanor Hayes. This gift of land in the center of town allowed the town to create the 67 acre Hayes Forest.

The 45 acre south lot is located on the south side of Route 9, a short distance east of the intersection with the Sweetser Road. This lot was probably devoted to agricultural use until the early 1950¹s, when it was planted with red pine and spruce. The plantation forest that developed has been selectively harvested four times, the last occurring in 2013.

The 23 acre north lot is located on the north side of Oak Hill Road and was also likely a farm field. This lot was allowed to revert to timberland. In the winter of 2018, the Parks and Recreation Committeee embarked on the ambitious project of clearing the deadwood, brush and creating trails. The goal is to make the Hayes Forest another option for hiking in town.

  • Hunting is allowed in the Hayes Forest.