Toni Thompson Willey awarded the Boston Post Cane

Toni Thompson Willey

On February, 26, 2016, Toni Thompson Willey (age 101 years young) was presented the Boston Post Cane, honoring her as the oldest resident of North Yarmouth. Steve Palmer, representing the Select Board and Katie Murphy, president of the Historical Society presented her with the cane in the presence of many of her friends and neighbors.

Ms. Willey is mother to Stephanie Klein of Mountfort Road and lives there with her daughter and son-in-law. A native Ohioan, she was born in Bowling Green on September 21, 1914 and named Veo Antoinette Thompson. She attended Bowling Green State University until her marriage. She relocated to New Jersey where she began her family, while studying at New York University.

This began her life-long passion for the study of archeology. Despite her growing family, she was able to participate in digs and continue her studies of the past. That interest – or is it passion? – continues to this day.

She attributes her longevity to a proper diet, as she does not eat cheeses or red meat.
Her daughter says, “She loves to discuss current events, is an avid reader and loves a good English mystery.”
