LD 290 Property Tax Stabilization for Seniors Repealed by State Legislature

LD 130 Property Tax Deferral Program and Property Tax Fairness Credit Expanded
State of Maine

LD 290, The “Property Tax Stabilization for Senior Citizens” program, enacted in August 2022, was repealed by the Maine Legislature on July 6, 2023, with an effective date of October 11, 2023. This popular program allowed Maine seniors 65 and older, who owned a permanent residence for at least 10 years and were receiving (or eligible for) a homestead exemption, to freeze taxes at the previous year’s level regardless of income.

Many seniors were expecting to reapply beginning in August, the repeal of this program means there will be no reapplication process for the upcoming year.

Although the program has been repealed, the first-year applications will still be administered. Any currently enrolled senior will not see an increase in their property taxes on their 2023 tax bill, with payments due in September 2023 and March 2024.

Please note that this was a State of Maine Program and while the Town of North Yarmouth played a role in its administration, we had no part in its creation or repeal.

Any questions or concerns owners have regarding this program should be directed to your legislative representative. To find your representative, please visit: Maine State Legislature

State of Maine website: Property Tax Stabilization Program | Maine Revenue Services